
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 10:55:24
要简单易懂,不要太难。 (包括开场白,内容,结束语等)
开始时间:(下午) 班级表演会

Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen,
A big welcome to all of you. Thanks for sharing your precious time with me this afternoon. In this afternoon, we would like to present you with our best Musician, actors and actresses from our class and do hope that you will enjoy all our performances.

First of all, it’s our sketch from “小明,小虎,小丽 (说参与者的明)” named “大长今”. Let’s give them a round of applauses.

Next we will have our “song of god” “小安” to melt down our heart, let’s give him a round of applauses.


Now let us invite all our performers to the stage

That's for all now. I hope that you had enjoyed yourself. Have a pleasant afternoon and hope to see you again. Happy New Year 2009! Take care and Bye bye!